Black Ops 2 Can't Clear the Rail Yard Roof Glitch

Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL | Missions: Walkthrough CoD: BO II Guide

Objective: Gain Access to Anthem - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Objective: Gain Access to Anthem

Immediately after the mission has started, your big, four-legged robot (CLAW) will go to the left. You should look to the right, at the right shelf. On one of the lower shelves there is intel (1/3) (picture above). Take it and follow the robot, keeping to its back and right side.

The first battle will be easy, because the enemies will focus their fire on your robots (the second will come out from the left) - you only need to stand in the back and wait - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

The first battle will be easy, because the enemies will focus their fire on your robots (the second will come out from the left) - you only need to stand in the back and wait. However, you have one thing to do here. Immediately after taking the intel run through the door and go left to the next robot. Move closer to it (there is a word Access) (picture above) and press the use button to be able to run the flamethrower later during this level.

Get back to the right side of the room, just hide behind the walls and wait for your CLAWs to get to the other end of the hall - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Get back to the right side of the room, just hide behind the walls and wait for your CLAWs to get to the other end of the hall. You can mark the targets for the robots - to do so, press an appropriate button, point at the opponent with a blue light, and then confirm the target by pressing the fire button. When you get the information about the enemy helicopter-drone, mark it (picture above) - it will be close to the room exit on the left. Be careful when pointing at the soldiers who were not killed!

1 - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

When you come out in the flooded street, get ready to fight with enemies scattered around at its end, but above all, with those on the balcony on the right - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

When you come out in the flooded street, get ready to fight with enemies scattered around at its end, but above all, with those on the balcony on the right. Run quickly to the garage door on the left (first picture above) and press the use button on the word Access, so that the robots can go in the garage. Thanks to this they will be on the roofs and you'll be able to use their support from above. When the garage door is shut, quickly flatten yourself against it and start to shoot at enemies or mark them for CLAWs (second picture above). Get rid of those at the bottom - one on the balcony and the other below it - and then lean out to the right and look out for the enemies on the balconies. Mark them for the CLAWs, but keep in mind that they are not able to hit the left side of the street. You need to take out the opponents hiding on the left side with a rifle. Send Harper ahead - make him focus enemy fire on himself.

When the closest enemies are eliminated, run into the street and hide in one of the garages on the left, having previously killed the enemies who were hiding in it - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

When the closest enemies are eliminated, run into the street and hide in one of the garages on the left, having previously killed the enemies who were hiding in it. Lean out (picture above) and go back to marking / eliminating the targets. Some opponents are so well hidden that killing will require at least 2-3 CLAW rounds. Of course, you can kill them with a rifle, but you should know that there is a challenge to pass for killing 8 enemies by marking them for CLAWs. Also, keep in mind that the flowing water current will be pushing you down. That is why, be careful not to get under water that is falling down in several places, because the screen will become very blurry for a moment.

2 - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

After eliminating the targets on the balconies, hide on the right side of the street, in one of the garages, and then lean out to the left and clear the area around the big gate - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

After eliminating the targets on the balconies, hide on the right side of the street, in one of the garages, and then lean out to the left and clear the area around the big gate. Keep moving in that direction, looking out for the enemies with the scanner. When you go through the gate, head toward the small tunnel on the right and send Harper ahead. Hide at the beginning of the tunnel (first picture above) and take out the enemies in the distance, and then stand by the opposite wall and start to search for enemies using the scanner (second picture above). Simply come out from concealment further and further and be ready to hit the next opponent in the head until you get rid of them all.

3 - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

As quickly as you can run behind Harper - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

As quickly as you can run behind Harper! After a short while you will notice a big bus that will crush you if you do not do anything (first picture above). Get closer to Harper and start pressing the use button to open the gate. As soon as your character gets up, do not go ahead, but turn into the blind alley on the right. To the left there will be intel (2/3) (second picture above). Follow Harper all the time till he tells you not to move.

Objective: Avoid being spotted by MQ drones - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Objective: Avoid being spotted by MQ drones

Wait for a while behind the sandbags and then jump over them. Hide behind the wall on the left and wait till the drone starts looking the other way. Run and stand behind the next wall on the left, right next to Harper. Again, follow him and flatten yourself against the wall, to the right of Harper (picture above), but not too close - you cannot get into the drone's sight. When Harper gives the signal, go through the building to go outside, through the second exit, and then immediately hide by the wall on the right.

In the last but one hiding place it is easiest to make a mistake - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

In the last but one hiding place it is easiest to make a mistake. When you run out, do not stand by Harper, but simply hide behind the column on the right (picture above). In a moment when Harper gives the signal, crouch down next to him behind the car wreck and then by the next wreck, this time a truck. This is the last hideout. Remember to move silently while coming out from behind the second wreck (just stay in the crouching position), because the drone can be alerted by loud sounds!

Run behind Harper, some rubble should collapse in front of you - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Run behind Harper, some rubble should collapse in front of you. Do not follow Harper, walk ahead - among the debris you will find the last intel (3/3) (picture above). Follow Harper and start shooting at the guards at the entrance to the canal. Nothing will happen if you do not hit, Harper will handle them.

Walk up with your team-mate to the canal entrance and enter when he opens it - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Walk up with your team-mate to the canal entrance and enter when he opens it. Keep following him all the time. As soon as you see the word Access on the door (picture above), open it. Thanks to eavesdropping on the conversation you will get some information about SOC-T jeeps. Follow Harper till Mason contacts Briggs and you go on to the next part of the mission.

Objective: Get to observation point - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Objective: Get to observation point

Objective: Identify Menendez

Objective: Record Mendenez's conversation

Look up and shoot the rope by using a grenade at the indicated place. Watch the cutscene and then walk up quietly to the guard on the right and press the melee button. Stand by the rail and look at the courtyard. There are three jeeps. Menendez, who's wearing a light-colored suit, will get out of one of them and after a while he will stand nearby. Your job is to keep the crosshair on him (you can zoom the screen using the scope) to identify him and then record as much data as you can (picture above). When Menendez starts to walk away, move the crosshair along with him. You should be able to record about 100 TB of data (the TB counter is next to the circle in the middle of the screen, below the two horizontal bars on the right). There are four attempts including this one. Recording 400 TB of data will reward you with a challenge.

When you lose contact with Menendez, follow Harper and crouch behind him when the stands near the fan - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

When you lose contact with Menendez, follow Harper and crouch behind him when the stands near the fan. Next, go further, jump down and prone (it's a must) - if you do not, a patrolling helicopter will detect you. Look to the right, there should be a circle indicating Menendez on the scanner (picture above). He will be passing through the corridor from right to left (for a second or two he will stop and then he will start walking further). Keep the crosshair on him all the time - when you lose contact with him, you should have a lot more than 200 TB of data. Do not worry if Harper blocks your view of Menendez, because it does not matter to the scanner.

Run behind Harper, climb up on the roof, go to the room and wait for your team-mate to kill the guard - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Run behind Harper, climb up on the roof, go to the room and wait for your team-mate to kill the guard. Look out of the window on the right and locate Menendez (picture above) - he will again be coming out from the right. Then he will stop and have quite a long conversation. After that he will go left. If you sufficiently used this and the two previous attempts, at the end of the third you should have 400 TB of data. If not - don't worry, soon you will have the fourth and the last chance.

4 - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Objective: Reacquire Menendez - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Objective: Reacquire Menendez

Objective: Record Mendenez's conversation

Run behind Harper, hide under the wall and wait for the helicopter to fly over. During the next part of the mission just do the same thing as Harper and run behind him, not sprint. You will jump down to the lower roof and run to the place where you will jump down into the street (first picture above). Approach the guard by the jeep and press melee button. Afterwards, follow Harper inside the building. You will be able to record the last Menendez's conversation through the window (second picture above). He will come out of the left side in front of you and stop. Do it and then wait until Harper unlocks the passage on the right. Swim with him to the next place and come out to the surface.

Objective: Rendezvous with Salazar - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Objective: Rendezvous with Salazar

Objective: Clear the rail yard

After the cutscene, you'll find yourself back in the water. Swim behind Harper and then run behind him. You will go up the stairs. Prepare for a short battle once again using the scanner to discover your opponents (picture above). Kill the two enemies, but do not go into the room and do not stand by the window next to Harper, because you will die from the helicopter round. Just stay on the stairs. Press the button shown on the screen to take control over Brutus - the first of the two CLAWs that you have at your disposal in this mission.

You can use the grenade launcher and the turret (or a flamethrower if you made it running at the beginning of the mission) - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You can use the grenade launcher and the turret (or a flamethrower if you made it running at the beginning of the mission). As soon as you start to look through Brutus's "eyes" immediately burn a few enemies in front of you with the flamethrower (picture above). Go forward and burn everyone on your way. The turret is more convenient, but you can pass a challenge for burning 10 enemies. Remember, however, that while the turret can be controlled freely, the flamethrower always shoots in the direction your robot is facing. Also, watch out for red explosive barrels! Next, turn right.

In fact, the only thing you have to watch out for is the soldiers with RPGs in the courtyard - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

In fact, the only thing you have to watch out for is the soldiers with RPGs in the courtyard. They will fire rockets at you through the garage door on the left. So try to move in such a way as for there to be, for example, a column between you and the exit. On the right, between the columns, a large group of enemies will gather (picture above). This is an excellent opportunity to pass the challenge. Once you've done it, do not shoot at anyone, but retreat the CLAW to the place where you took control over it. Afterwards, press the appropriate button to operate the second CLAW. If the CLAW is destroyed, you will automatically be switched to the other one.

5 - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

It is important to kill the soldiers with RPGs in the courtyard among the jeeps as soon as possible (first picture above), as well as to fire rockets at enemies with RPGs, who are on the roof on the right (second picture above) - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

It is important to kill the soldiers with RPGs in the courtyard among the jeeps as soon as possible (first picture above), as well as to fire rockets at enemies with RPGs, who are on the roof on the right (second picture above). The next ones can come running from the street on the left (depending on how early or how late you switched from one CLAW to the other). Afterwards simply destroy the rest of the targets (helicopter, two jeeps) and kill all the other enemies. If both of your CLAWs have survived, you will pass an additional challenge. When there are no more enemies, you will get back to playing as Mason. Run into the courtyard and get in the car to go to the third and the last part of the mission.

Objective: Destroy the blockade - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Objective: Destroy the blockade

Objective: Escape Anthem

To make a good start, you will operate a helicopter. Immediately destroy the vehicle passing beneath you with rockets, and then use the same method to get rid of the blockade. You will get back to playing as Mason. Get a move on and drive the only possible way. Go past the enemy vehicle and then drive into the shop running over the enemy soldiers. After you've left it, quickly drive below two soldiers with RPG (picture above).

Keep going further, choose either left or right way when you see the two paths (the right one leads up) - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Keep going further, choose either left or right way when you see the two paths (the right one leads up). Soon after that you will get a choice - you can either remain in the vehicle until the end of the mission or switch to the drone (helicopter) (picture above). Both are described below.

6 - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

As a drone simply shoot rockets at all targets marked with red circles on the screen - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

As a drone simply shoot rockets at all targets marked with red circles on the screen. It's enough to mark the target by moving the cursor over it, then all you need to do is to press the fire button - the rocket will hit the target by itself. Blocking the target will be shown by a red circle (first picture above), you will also hear a distinctive sound. You don't have to pay any attention to the enemy soldiers. There is a challenge to pass for the jeeps, while the drones are the most dangerous (second picture above).

In fact, the only moment in which you have to be more careful is when you notice a large pane in front of you (picture above) - use the machinegun only this one time, as the explosion could damage the helicopter - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

In fact, the only moment in which you have to be more careful is when you notice a large pane in front of you (picture above) - use the machinegun only this one time, as the explosion could damage the helicopter. Afterwards start to exterminate targets as soon as possible. You cannot afford not to pay attention and miss any of the enemy helicopters, because it will stay behind you all the time and will shoot at you, which will most likely end in failure. You will carry out the next part of the mission easily - just keep up with shooting rockets at targets.

If you stay behind the wheel, the task will be much more difficult, as it is a lot easier to lead to the vehicle's destruction - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

If you stay behind the wheel, the task will be much more difficult, as it is a lot easier to lead to the vehicle's destruction. The more your car is on fire, the greater the chance for it to get destroyed (although after a few seconds it will fix itself). Remember to turn the boost on, especially if an enemy vehicle gets in your way. In addition, you must be aware that you cannot fall behind. If you hear at least 3 messages from Harper urging you to go faster, it will mean that in a moment you will lose Salazar and fail. After making the decision, go forward, through another building, and then to the left, to the left lane of the highway. As soon as you see the blue and green sign forming something similar to a ramp, drive through it with the boost turned on (picture above).

Drive through the marshes, and then to the left, to the great building and through the tunnel - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Drive through the marshes, and then to the left, to the great building and through the tunnel. After jumping out of the building, drive into the next building and turn left, and then right. Drive through the parking lot, and when you pass through the swamp, you will need to make two dodges. First drive left to avoid fire (picture above) and then to the right to avoid acid.

After a while, you will turn left, pass through the small hall and then go outside again - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

After a while, you will turn left, pass through the small hall and then go outside again. Cross over the broken piece of the bridge on the left and you'll find yourself in a big factory. Here, drive left and then right. Drive on the railway tracks on the right, they lead to a built driveway, in front of which you should enable the boost to jump to the other end of the building (picture above).

When the drone is destroyed (regardless of the option you chose above), you will have to make a decision while entering the great hall in front of you (picture above) - Mission 05: FALLEN ANGEL - Missions: Walkthrough - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Game Guide and Walkthrough

When the drone is destroyed (regardless of the option you chose above), you will have to make a decision while entering the great hall in front of you (picture above).

  • If you do not want Harper to get burnt, stick as closely as you can to the right side.
  • If you want to burn Harper, drive to the left side.

Regardless of the decision, immediately after that the mission will be over.

Black Ops 2 Can't Clear the Rail Yard Roof Glitch


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